Week 17 Staying Connected

Roger, my husband, and I have been together for 40 years.  We have weathered  many events, both high and low.  I have always loved Roger deeply.  I defied my parents by marrying him but I know we were meant to be together. It is not an easy thing to go against the wishes of parents, but my life was so much better with him then not and that has been proven over and over again.  We have intertwined our souls so deeply that I feel his absence deeply if he leaves even for a short trip to the store.

Couple holding hands.

Love is the foundation of our marriage.  True love.  He has been my guardian angel and sometime I have been his.  Even when life has delivered tough times it always comes back to that foundational place…..love that has gotten us through.

The exercise of gratitude  has brought me to my knees, weeping, with so much fulfillment and reminders of our life together. There is so much to be grateful for.  There is so much to be impassioned by and so much more for us to feel in our world together and apart. I see the images of us in the life we have. They are clear and distinct.  I see the impact we make in little ways that ripple out into the world.  It is so true that we are much better together then alone. Haanel states that to realize your desire you must have it in your heart, mind, and emotions.  I feel this and know that there is no better way to live.  I expect it and it is.

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