Week 16 Medicine

I want to control my circumstances.  I want the outcome to be from applied knowledge.  I also want the NARC, Neurological Association Reactive Conditioning,  to be active and the awareness of my thought to feed the “subby” so I don’t have to work so hard all the time.

It was an interesting morning in yoga this past week.  It happened to coincide with the  study week of “kindness” in the MKMMA.  I love  yoga.  It makes me feel aware, balanced and complete.  This particular morning was unusual because the instructor had us doing a laughter exercise.  We were on our backs and he had us laughing for two minutes continuously.  I clearly was in a more serious mood then a laughter mood, but I always like to stretch and test myself.  The class started in a low laughter and before I knew it, I was laughing hysterically at the others laughing hysterically.  I was observing the entire time.  It was kind of a strange place to be, but I absolutely could not go into my serious space or even think of an unhappy thought.  I was testing it.  Because of this observation. I was thinking what a great test for my subby.  Laughing aloud I  could make a 180 degree shift attaching a very happy emotion to anything!  I have been thinking about this often ever sense and want to test it more.  I want to test it in a way to really shift my gears, not only for myself, but for others when the environment gets too heavy. Just start laughing to see if it may have a startling effect that attaches positive emotion to any thought of my world around and within me.

'Take it for stress. It helps to laugh at yourself.'

Well, when we finished the class, we were completely uplifted and in a wonderful mood and relaxed.  Kindness was felt all around with us all.  It was such great state to be.  When happiness is felt and exuded, kindness follows and laughter is really great medicine.

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